Error 0x803381A4

Value: -2144108124 | 0x803381A4 | 2150859172

What does it mean ?

The WinRM client cannot process the request. A computer policy does not allow the delegation of the user credentials to the target computer because the computer is not trusted. The identity of the target computer can be verified if you configure the WSMAN service to use a valid certificate using the following command: winrm set winrm/config/service @{CertificateThumbprint="<thumbprint>"} Or you can check the Event Viewer for an event that specifies that the following SPN could not be created: WSMAN/<computerFQDN>. If you find this event, you can manually create the SPN using setspn.exe . If the SPN exists, but CredSSP cannot use Kerberos to validate the identity of the target computer and you still want to allow the delegation of the user credentials to the target computer, use gpedit.msc and look at the following policy: Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System -> Credentials Delegation -> Allow Fresh Credentials with NTLM-only Server Authentication. Verify that it is enabled and configured with an SPN appropriate for the target computer. For example, for a target computer name "", the SPN can be one of the following: WSMAN/ or WSMAN/* Try the request again after these changes.
Value: 33188 | 0x81A4 | 0b1000000110100100

Where does it come from ?

Windows Resource Manager
Value: 51 | 0x033 | 0b00110011

Other Errors for FACILITY_WINRM